External Laser Bleaching Treatment on Tetracycline-stained Teeth


Greyish-brown stained
External Laser Bleaching


We report a 47-year-old male army officer who came to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of 94 Armed Forces Hospital Terendak Camp complaining of his greyish-brown stained teeth since his younger age. After a thorough history taking and physical examination, we concluded that the cause of discoloration was due to ingestion of Tetracycline drug. The choice of treatment for this patient was external laser bleaching using Laser Whitening System, Doctor Smile Products, GDF mbH Rossbach, German. A 35% Hydrogen Peroxide Gel (Laser Whitening System, Doctor Smile Products, GDF mbH Rossbach, Germany) was homogenously applied on the teeth (from 13-23) with activation using laser (5W, Laserevolution, Doctor Smile Products, Germany) for 1 minute on each quadrant. Patient was satisfied with the result as his teeth became whiter post treatment making external laser bleaching an excellent technique in managing tetracycline staining.